7º Congresso Internacional de Cerâmica & 62º Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica

RETROSPECTIVA (Retrospective)
Em 2018, no período de 17 a 21 de junho em Foz do Iguaçu, a ABCERAM, como membro da International Ceramic Federation (ICF), promoveu o 7º Congresso Internacional de Cerâmica (ICC7) conjuntamente com o 62º Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica. O Congresso teve como meta servir como uma plataforma internacional de alto nível, para reunir pesquisadores e estudantes no campo da cerâmica, para discutir o progresso científico em todas as áreas de P&D da síntese convencional e moderna, processamento e aplicações de cerâmicas. O evento foi realizado no Cento de Convenções do Hotel Recanto Cataratas, Foz do Iguaçu, PR.
In 2018, from June 17 to 21 in Foz do Iguaçu, ABCERAM, as a member of the International Ceramic Federation (ICF), promoted the 7th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC7), in conjunction with the 62nd Brazilian Congress on Ceramics. The goal of the Congress was to serve as a high-level international platform to bring together researchers and students in the field of ceramics to discuss scientific progress in all R&D areas of conventional and modern synthesis, processing and ceramic applications. The event was held at the Convention Center of Hotel Recanto Cataratas, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil.
Foi realizada no dia 17 de junho de 2018, às 19:00 horas, no Centro de Convenções do Hotel Recanto Cataratas. Participaram da mesa, da esquerda para direita (foto: 1.1):
It was held on June 17, 2018, at 7:00 pm, at the Convention Center of Hotel Recanto Cataratas. Participated in the table from left to right (photo: 1.1):
Dr. Luis Leonardo Horne Curimbaba Ferreira – Membro do Conselho Diretivo do Grupo Curimbaba e Presidente do Conselho Diretivo da ABCERAM.
Dr. Leonardo Curimbaba – Member of the Directive Council of the conglomerate Curimbaba Group, Brazil, and President of the Directive Council of ABCERAM
Prof. Dr. Samuel M. Toffoli – Professor do Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo.
Dr. Samuel M. Toffoli – Materials Science and Engineering Professor at the Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Chairman of the Meeting
Prof. MSc. Antonio Carlos de Camargo – Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica – ABCERAM
MSc. Antonio Carlos de Camargo – President of the Brazilian Ceramic Society – ABCERAM
Dra. Katherine Faber – Professora da cátedra Simon Ramo de Ciência dos Materiais do California Institute of Technology, EUA, e Presidente da Federação Internacional de Cerâmica – ICF
Dr. Katherine Faber – Simon Ramo Professor of Materials Science of the California Institute of Technology, USA, and President of the International Ceramic Federation – ICF
Dr. Tatsuki Ohji, Pesquisador Senior no National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japão, e Presidente eleito da American Ceramic Society para a gestão 2019-2020, Instituição parceira da ABCERAM, na oportunidade representando todas as sociedades cerâmicas do mundo, membros da ICF.
Dr. Tatsuki Ohji, Prime Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, and President-elect 2019 of the American Ceramic Society, ABCERAM’s partner institution, representing all the ceramic societies of the world, members of ICF
Pronunciamento dos Presidentes (Presidents’ speeches):
da Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica (of ABCERAM)
do 7º Congresso Internacional de Cerâmica – ICC7 (of ICC7)
Ao final da cerimônia foi oferecido aos presentes um show de danças apresentado pelo conjunto Três Fronteiras, destacando-se:
– Arpa e dança das garrafas – Representando o Paraguai (foto: 2.1 a 2.4)
– Tango – Representando a Argentina (foto: 2.5)
– Cavaquinho brasileirinho e passista – Representando o Brasil (foto: 2.6).
At the end of the ceremony, the participants were offered a dance show presented by the group Três Fronteiras (“Triple Borderline”), highlighting typical dances from Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil (photos 2.1 to 2.6).
Em seguida foi oferecido aos participantes um coquetel. (fotos: 3.1 e 3.2).
After that, participants were offered a welcome cocktail (photos 3.1 and 3.2)
A programação técnica contou com 18 simpósios, onde foram apresentadas 175 palestras, 161 trabalhos nas sessões orais e 426 nas sessões de pôsteres. Também com quatro sessões plenárias, nas quais foram proferidas palestras especiais por renomados pesquisadores.
Nas fotos 4.1 a 4.5 são mostrados alguns flagrantes da Sessão de Pôsteres e nas fotos 5.1 e 5.2 um flagrantes do coffee break servido aos congressistas.
The technical program comprised 18 symposia (see names and links to details below), each of them included invited speakers, oral, and poster presentations. There were also four plenary sessions given by renowned researchers.
Photos 4.1 to 4.5 show the participants in the Poster Sessions. Photos 5.1 and 5.2, show moments during the coffee break.
Simpósios (Symposia)
– Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics
– Advances in Bioceramics
– Bioinspired Ceramics and Composites
– Cements and geopolymers
– Ceramics for agriculture and livestock
– Ceramics for energy and environment
– Education in Ceramics
– Electric and Magnetic Ceramics
– Engineering Ceramics, Mechanical Behavior and Fractography
– Frontiers of Glass Science
– Frontiers of Glass Technology
– Fundamentals of Sintering and Advanced Sintering Processes
– Green and Energy Efficient Processing
– High and Ultra High Temperature Ceramics
– José Arana Varela Memorial Symposium
– New trends in silicate and clay-based ceramics
– Porous and Cellular Ceramics
– Polymer-derived ceramics development and applications
Plenárias (Plenary Talks)

André R. Studart
Associate Professor for Complex Materials at ETH Zurich Switzerland

Edgar Dutra Zanotto
Director of the Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials, Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Masahiro Yoshimura
Distinguished Chair Professor, Dept of Mater., Sci. and Eng., National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan
Prof. Emeritus. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Mike Murray
Chief Technology Officer Morgan Advanced Materials United Kingdon
“Materiomics and emerging manufacturing technologies for sustainable development“
Confraternization dinner at Rafain Steakhouse Show
Participaram 195 congressistas em um ambiente de muita alegria e descontração e que certamente será um dos quesitos que farão parte da memória daqueles que participaram do Congresso. (fotos: 8.1 a 8.7)
It was attended by 195 people in an atmosphere of great joy and relaxation that will certainly be part of the memory of those who participated in the Congress: “In a single night, an incredible trip through the cultures of Latin-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico” (photos: 8.1 to 8.7)
NÚMEROS DO CONGRESSO (Congress statistics)

No dia 18 foi realizada a Reunião ICF, com a participação de 18 membros desta, para tratar de assuntos inerentes a Federação e também do ICC8, previsto para ser realizado na Korea em 2020. Após a reunião foi oferecido um jantar aos Membros do ICF (fotos: 9.1 a 9.10)
On June 18th, the ICF Council Meeting was held, with the participation of 18 members of ICF, representing the Ceramic Societies of their respective countries, to deal with issues related to the Federation and also the ICC8, scheduled to be held in Seul, Korea, in 2020. After the meeting a dinner was offered to ICF Members (photos: 9.1-9.10)
Feira (Exposition)
Paralelamente ao Congresso, ocorreu uma Feira onde as empresas tiveram a oportunidade de divulgar seus produtos e serviços. Dela participaram: Altmann/Malvern, Avaco, Eirich, Elfusa, FCT Systeme GmbH, MBraun, Netzschm, Quantum Design, ReoTerm Instrumentos Científicos/Microtrac e Sonlestic. (fotos: 10.1 a 10.10)
During the whole Congress, an exposition took place, where companies had the opportunity to show their products and services. The following companies had their booths at the exhibition: Altmann / Malvern, Avaco, Eirich, Elfusa, FCT Systeme GmbH, MBraun, Netzschm, Quantum Design, ReoTerm Scientific Instruments / Microtrac and Sonlestic. (photos: 10.1-10.10)
APOIOS e PATROCINADORES (Support and Sponsors)
Apoio de Agencias de Fomento: CNPq e FAPESP
Gold: Elfusa e ReoTerm Instrumentos Científicos/Microtrac;
Silver: Altmann; Avac; Eirich; FCT Systeme GmbH; MBraun; Netzsch; Quantum Design e Sonlestic
Bronze: Armil; Mineração Jundu; Bruker e Magneco Metrel