Pan American Ceramics Congress and Ferroelectrics Meeting of Americas (PACC-FMAs 2022)

ACerS is pleased to announce the addition of a hybrid option for PACC-FMA ’22 to allow participation by individuals who cannot attend in-person due to travel restrictions. We plan to provide a hybrid solution that will incorporate pre-recorded talks from virtual attendees into the live on-site programming. All live sessions will be recorded for all attendees to view at the conclusion of the live conference, available until September 30, 2022.

New dates: July 24 – July 28, 2022



Meeting Description:

The Pan American Ceramics Congress brings together a wide variety of experts from academia, industries, research institutes, and laboratories to discuss current state-of-the-art and various technical challenges in research, development, engineering, manufacturing, and application of ceramic and glass materials. The Congress will provide a collegial forum for information exchange on current status and emerging trends in various technologies in the American continent (South and Central America, Canada, and the United States).

Not ready to commit to an in-person event? PACC-FMA’s 2022 will run as a hybrid meeting and offers a virtual option for those not ready to meet in person. You can submit your abstract now and decide later whether you’ll present in-person or virtually.

The technical program will consist of invited and contributed talks and poster sessions important to ceramic and glass professionals who live or do business in the Americas. It will provide an information exchange on the latest emerging technologies and facilitate open dialogue and discussion with leading experts from around the globe.

About the Ferroelectrics Meeting of Americas

The field of ferroelectrics, as well as related phenomena and novel electronic materials development, which introduced new cross-coupled effects like multiferroics and bioferroics to the scientific community, are beginning to integrate with emerging science of the new era around the world. Due to various factors, it is especially important to accelerate such communications to the scientific community in the developing countries of the Americas.

To facilitate and accelerate our objectives, we have proposed to bring together representatives from several Central and South American countries working in areas of ferroelectrics and related materials research. With these goals in mind, a special society of ferroelectrics was formed that include representatives from each country of the Americas as the members of the board (the FMAs board) to conduct a series of meetings, “Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas–FMAs.” The meetings are held with regular frequency so researchers in this field can communicate, interact with each other, and develop cooperative and collaborative research programs in the Americas with other interested international partners in this research field.

The first board meeting was held at the International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF 2017) in September 2017 in San Antonio Texas, USA. Board members and participants from the countries of the Americas symbolized it as the first joint FMAs-1 and IMF 2017. In this context we had included ferroics-related research activities from the Americas and aimed to stimulate the research environment of ferroics-related collaborative research at various universities and institutes from the participating countries of the Americas.

Similar to the IMF series, the FMAs will provide a platform to bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories to share their knowledge in the field and to present the development of novel applications of ferroelectricity in various interdisciplinary & cross-coupled research areas. FMAs-2 will be held jointly with the Pan American Ceramics Congress.

The conference program may also include some special topical areas for interested participants. The peer reviewed and accepted papers presented at the meeting will be published in the special volume of International Journal of Ferroelectrics.