Ceramics and Glass Research at the Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics

Ivar Reimanis

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado – EUA

A two part presentation will be given. First, an overview of ceramics research within the Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics at Colorado School of Mines will be given. This highlights work on ceramics for energy applications, structural ceramics and processing, atom probe tomography, and nanomechanics. Next, recent research on the formation of glass and glass-ceramics from food waste will be described. Several different compositions of transparent, soda-lime based glasses were made with a variety of starting materials, including rice hull, banana peels, egg shells, corn husks/cobs, avocado peels/nuts, used coffee grains, peanut shells, etc. This talk will discuss the composition, structure, and morphology of the raw ingredients and the properties of the resulting glasses and glass-ceramics. The amount of food waste in the world can easily supply the glass industry with enough raw materials to significantly impact manufacturing of certain items, such as windows and display covers, and reduce the environmental impact of human food waste.

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