- Traditional Ceramics (Red, White, and Coatings) - Red Ceramics (clay materials, bricks, blocks, tiles, hollow elements, slabs, ceramic pipes, expanded clays, and household and decorative items). White Ceramics and Coatings (crockery, porcelain, artistic white ceramics, flooring, tiles, and porcelain tiles). Extraction, beneficiation, and characterization processes of local and regional natural raw materials.
- Glass and Glass-Ceramics - Structure, properties, and characterization of glassy materials, glass-ceramics, and glazed coatings. New techniques and compositions to maximize performance.
- Gypsum, Cement, Concrete, and Geopolymers - Gypsum, cement, concrete, geopolymers, and other inorganic binders and materials for construction.
- Powder and Nanostructure Synthesis - Synthesis of particulate materials and nanostructures. Structure, processing, and applications of nanomaterials. Two-dimensional materials.
- Sustainability and Circular Economy in Ceramic Materials - Focus on recycling, waste reuse, and green technology development to reduce the environmental impact of ceramic production.
- Processing - Shaping processes (powder pressing, slip casting, tape casting, extrusion, injection molding, colloidal processing, additive manufacturing). Bioinspired processing. Machining. Sintering and advanced sintering techniques (flash sintering, spark plasma, microwave, cold sintering). Deposition and coating processes (coatings, PVD, CVD, sputtering). Technology for 3D printing / additive manufacturing of ceramic materials.
- Computational Modeling, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence - Integrating simulation and digitalization to optimize design, predictability, and efficiency in ceramic material processing. Multiscale simulation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in the development and optimization of ceramic materials.
- Refractories and Ceramics for High and Ultra-High Temperatures - Refractories, insulators, and thermomechanical ceramics.
- Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications - Hydrogen production, thermoelectric materials, batteries, fuel cells, catalysts, photovoltaics, nuclear applications, and other emerging solutions for energy storage and conversion and other energy demands.
- High-Performance Ceramics and Composites - Architectured materials and structural ceramics designed to withstand extreme conditions, wear resistance, and corrosive environments. Ceramic matrix composites, hard metals, cermets, multi-material components, porous structures, functionally graded materials. Applications in defense, ballistics, and in submarine and aerospace contexts. Machining inserts and abrasives.
- Porous Materials, Membranes, and Filtration - Functional ceramics for water and gas treatment, separation and purification processes, and environmental control. Films, porous materials, and catalytic supports.
- Ceramics for Health and Biotechnology - Bioactive and biocompatible ceramics, glass, glass-ceramics, and composites for prosthetics, implants, biocomposites, and bone regeneration. Bioactivity and functionality.
- Functional Ceramics - Optical, photonic, magnetic, ferroic, piezoelectric, dielectric, thermoelectric, electro-electronic ceramics, and metamaterials.
- Entrepreneurship and Commercialization - Innovation, entrepreneurship, business models for ceramic and glass materials, product development, commercialization, and collaboration between academia and industry.
- Education, Outreach, and Diversity - Innovations in teaching and learning in material sciences and engineering, with a focus on ceramic and glass materials. Outreach projects and social projects.
- Art, Culture, and Historical Heritage - Art, design, architecture with ceramics and glass, as well as projects for cultural heritage preservation and restoration.
- Ceramography - Contest for the best ceramic material micrograph. Images obtained through optical microscopy (transmission and reflection), scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, surface microscopy (SPM), and combined techniques are accepted. To enter the contest, a summary must be submitted containing relevant information on the preparation, acquisition, and characteristics of the image.